The Birth of Allison

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve updated here and I have so many beautiful images to share with you!  We’ve been rather busy with work, the holidays, Gideon’s 1st birthday, house guests and floods (yes, more than one!) in our basement which was also my office!  So much going on.  :-)

I’ve been so eager to share sweet Allison’s birth story with you!  Her mom and dad, Rihannon and John, already had two adorable little boys and were so excited to meet their daughter.  I could easily title this story “Waiting for Allison.”  She took her time but when she was ready, boy was she ready!  There was less than a minute between when Rihannon began pushing and when she had Allison in her arms… It was so amazing!  I got to meet the entire family again a few days later for some family photos and newborn shots.  Check back soon to see those, too!



L~ F~: